Heather's Tummy Fiber is the only soluble fiber supplement specifically formulated for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It's a medical food for the dietary management of IBS symptoms. Acacia senegal is a natural (not synthetic) whole food 100% soluble fiber with a clinically proven prebiotic effect. Studies have shown that soluble fiber, as part of the diet, helps regulate bowel motility (alleviating both diarrhea and constipation), and relieves abdominal pain from IBS.
Heather's Tummy Fiber also:
* Increases good gut flora - it's a prebiotic, and significantly bifidogenic
* Has excellent gastrointestinal tolerance, will not cause bloating and gas
* Slows down colonic fermentation (actively decreasing gas and bloating)
* Is completely safe and healthy for daily, lifelong use
* Is safe for use in children
Soluble fiber is key to preventing the abdominal spasms and bowel dysfunction of IBS. Soluble fiber works by regulating bowel motility from either extreme, and modulating water content in the bowel to form a stabilizing gel that relieves cramping and prevents both IBS diarrhea and constipation.
Heather's Tummy Fiber is a slowly fermenting prebiotic soluble fiber that has no FODMAPS (poorly digested short chain carbohydrates). Acacia senegal's prebiotic effect stimulates the growth of healthy gut flora for ideal bowel stability, which can reduce bloating, gas, and bowel irregularities from IBS.
Heather's Tummy Fiber is unique, because it is formulated specifically for the dietary management of IBS.
“Did you coin that term?"
I looked at the doctor blankly, trying to understand exactly what he was asking me.
Me: "You mean soluble fiber?"
Doctor: "Yes."
Me: "Um...no..."
Doctor: "Ok, have a nice day."
What was I supposed to say? There are two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Doesn’t everyone know this?
Well, actually, they don't. To be fair, the day I learned this was one of the biggest a-ha! Moments of my life. Suddenly so many things about eating for IBS made sense. But I was to find out that even people in the GI world had never heard of the difference either.
Anyway, back to this doctor.
As he walked away I was glad I had stayed quiet. Embarrassing him wouldn’t have been productive and would have only made an enemy during this trip.
What trip? This happened at the Digestive Disease Week conference my husband Will and I exhibited at in San Francisco in May 2002. This is the the largest international conference in the world for digestive disorders. This doctor was a gastroenterologist attending the conference.
I was there to exhibit the first editions of my bestselling books, Eating for IBS and First Year IBS. Will and I had the wild idea to spend every dime we had to travel to and attend this show to promote the books to GI doctors.
Day One
Will and I rented the smallest possible table at the conference, laid out my two books in our empty booth, and sat back to see what would happen.
We were swarmed by doctors looking for help for their IBS patients!
My goodness, I never had to answer so many questions in my entire life. They were all genuinely interested in what I had to say. I kept hearing the same things over and over:
"I'm so glad I finally have somewhere to send my patients."
"I'm constantly heartbroken as I really don't know what to tell them."
"Nothing my patients try seems to work. In fact they seem to be getting worse."
Will asked one doctor, "What's your single biggest problem helping your IBS patients?"
This doctor, who actually seemed to be a very nice person, looked to her left and then to her right to make sure no one could hear her, and then said:
"Getting rid of them."
On the whole the doctors were wonderful. They really wanted a way to help their patients.
And then up walks...
The Purple Pill Lady
A woman dressed all in purple stepped up from the circle of doctors around our table. She had been standing there for quite a while. When the crowd thinned she leaned forward and asked:
“Who are you?”
By this point Will and I were getting a lot of odd looks and questions. Will answers her, "Hi, I’m Will and this is my lovely wife Heather."
The woman, a little impatiently asks again:
"No, really, who are you?"
Will elaborates a little and says our names again and explains that I wrote these books on IBS.
We could see this woman trying to size us up. She finally says, "Well, nice to meet you, I’m so and so. Do you see that booth across the aisle?"
We both looked at the Nexium booth. You know, "the purple pill." Their booth was gigantic. Now I knew why she was dressed in purple.
The woman continued.
“Do you know how much our display cost?”
Neither of us could even venture a guess. She goes on:
“Almost $250,000!”
Will and I gasped. She said:
“That's just the booth. That's not the cost of renting the floor space, shipping, setup, and flying out all our staff.”
"I’ve been watching you” she says, "you must have had 20 doctors around your little table all day long. We’ve had a fraction of the visitors you've had. Just look," she says, pointing at her purple booth.
We look over and see 3 or 4 doctors milling around their enormous display. Huh.
We chatted with her for a little bit and then another swarm of doctors surrounded us. She says, “Well, have a good show,” then wished us luck as she walked back to her booth.
That was the first day.
Day Two
Will and I see that Metamucil and Citrucel are exhibiting at the show as well. We decide to talk to them.
I’ve been telling thousands of IBS folks to avoid the garbage ingredients and IBS triggers these fiber companies are adding.
I say to Will, "All they have to do is take out all the junk they're putting in, and make something simple I can recommend for IBS."
(In hindsight I'm laughing at how naive I was.)
We spent considerable time talking to both two companies. They followed up with emails and phone calls and picked my brain over the next year or so. I gave them my wish list for a fiber, hoping they might listen to me.
(I wasn’t looking to get paid. I just wanted them to make a better product, one that worked for IBS. And it would have been nice to have a little credit from them, perhaps a thank you for my help. At the very least I was waiting to hear from them when their new product launched, so I could let folks know about it.)
I had asked them for something that was pure soluble fiber, no psyllium or insoluble fiber.
I wanted something odorless, tasteless, that didn’t thicken in water, that wasn’t gloppy or gloopy or dyed bright orange.
I didn’t want artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, citric acid, or anything else in there at all.
And I wanted to be able to add it to anything I was already eating or drinking. I wanted to put it right into foods I was cooking.
I had a dream...
Then they ghosted us and we never heard from them again.
Fast forward another year or so. An employee of ours comes running up to me and says, “Look at this!”
She's holding a magazine ad for a brand new product from one of those fiber companies.
Introducing Free and Clear Fiber!
Now, finally, a fiber that is free of all additives and just pure soluble fiber.
You can cook with it!
I couldn’t believe it. They stole my ideas without even a thank you. Yep, they had listened all right. Made a pure soluble fiber, no other ingredients added, showed people you can add fiber right into meals, even cook with it...and then they used a manufacturing by-product that’s industrially extracted from chicory.
They used inulin.
What the hell?!?
A fiber that ferments so rapidly in the gut it can cause extreme bloating and gas and spasms, and even set off urgency and diarrhea. Just what we need, right?
The real blow was that I’d been playing around adding plain soluble fibers to my grandmother’s lemon meringue pie filling - with killer results. I’d told the fiber companies all about this. The picture they used for the Free and Clear ad? A slice of key lime pie. Ooofff.
I still can’t decide if they were sleazy or just stupid to take my ideas and run with them...straight into a wall. Free and Clear disappeared off the market quietly and quickly.
I realized I was on my own if I wanted a fiber supplement that was a perfect fit for IBS. And I admit, now I was getting angry.
I was right back in the same boat. First, I couldn’t find books that gave people with IBS the dietary information and lifestyle guides they needed. So I had to write my own.
Now, I couldn't even get fiber manufacturers to make a simple soluble fiber supplement that was a fit for touchy tummies. So I had to make my own.
If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself.
I was determined to find the most perfect fiber for IBS folks.
I spent months researching and tracking down suppliers of every type of soluble fiber powder I could get my hands on.
The kitchen was filled with different samples. I went into mad scientist mode and tested everything in water, foods, meals, that lemon meringue pie. I was actually amazed at how few fibers passed muster.
I’d assumed that just plain soluble fiber powders could be used pretty interchangeably. Wow - was I wrong.
Most of them had such a high viscosity they thickened an entire bowl of water to gel. Others were chalky, gritty, or didn’t dissolve at room temperature.
One of them was brown and tasted like mud. Another was white but smelled like fish.
A few of them were passable.
None of them were perfect.
Then I found the company that made Acacia Senegal. Their story was amazing.
I can't quite explain it, but I just knew I had found something special. I felt like I might have discovered the Da Vinci Code.
I was so excited. Their research was ground breaking. This seemed to be everything I'd been looking for.
I called them right away and ordered a sample. Then I waited.
About a week later the sample arrived. Remember, by now, I'd been trying all kinds of soluble fibers. All of them were failures.
If I wanted the Acacia Senegal to succeed...
I had to put it to the ultimate test...
I’m only telling this story because it actually happened. I would not do this again. But I needed to know if my new Tummy Fiber would work under duress.
After establishing my regular twice daily dose, I put it to my ultimate test.
Chinese restaurant sweet and sour shrimp. Ooohhhh….
Deep fried.
High fat.
Insoluble fiber veggies and pineapple.
All huge IBS triggers.
But so delicious! So crispy, crunchy, tangy, bright pink-orange sauce and all.
This is my all time favorite Chinese restaurant dish. I’ve loved it since childhood. And it’s hated my guts just as long.
There is no faster way to cause the worst IBS attack of my life and end up in the ER.
I’ll let Will tell this part of the story:
Hi, I’m Will, Heather’s husband.
“Let’s go get sweet and sour shrimp.”
“Huh?” Not believing what I just heard.
“I have to test this fiber,” my wonderful but insane wife says to me.
“Honey, NO. Have you lost your mind?”
“Gotta do it,” she says.
I try to reason with her. “There must be something less extreme we can do to test this stuff?”
“Nope. If I can eat sweet and sour shrimp and not have an attack, we’ve got a winner.”
I had a flashback to the super hero movies I love. You know, where the hero tests the serum on himself and starts convulsing then morphs into this amazing super being. Only this wasn’t a he, it was a she, it was Heather, my amazing wife, a true super heroine.
Super Heather
Ok, I know I’m going to get into it with her and she won’t want me to embarrass her this way, but it’s true. And I love her.
Heather and I have been married quite a while now and have contingencies for when she has an IBS attack.
I start my mental checklist: “Which ER do I take her to, do I have a stash of loose peppermint tea to make a hot cup quickly, is there a box of Altoids in my back pack?”
But I know my wife and when she makes up her mind, that’s it.
Off we go to Shanghai Garden in Seattle’s Chinatown, one of our favorite places.
I wasn’t stressed. I was terrified. The worst thing in my life is to watch my Heather live through an IBS attack.
Shanghai Garden
We get to the restaurant and the waitress is happy to see us. We’ve been going there for a very long time and they know us well. In fact, it was the only thing giving me comfort, as I knew if we were in trouble, they would be kind to us and do everything they could to help.
The sweet and sour shrimp arrives. I don’t even remember what I ordered. I was too worried about Heather getting sick.
We start eating. I’m trying to play it cool. I know stress can cause bad attacks and if I’m having a fit it won’t do Heather any good.
Dinner carries on, and I see my wife having a great time. Little by little I start to relax. At the end of the dinner, I could see she was full and happy.
“How do you feel?” I whispered.
“Good,” she says. “My stomach feels like a heavy lump, but my IBS is fine. I feel good.”
She was good. She never got sick. I might have been more relieved than she was.
Thanks for letting me tell this story, now back to Heather.
Me again.
True story – I didn’t get sick at all. But again, please, don’t be me.
I’d already been living on soluble fiber foods and supplements for years, my gut was used to significant daily doses. Nowadays I live on Tummy Fiber, but it’s not bullet proof. I’m not either, so this isn’t a test I’d normally want my gut to take.
The Tummy Fiber passed the test, so now it was onward…
But let’s back up a little first...
After my frustrating initial round of testing soluble fiber powders, from brown and gritty to thick and fishy, I knew I had to keep looking for the right one.
The magic words that finally led me there? Colloidal gums.
Have you ever heard that before? I sure hadn't. But in food manufacturing, it's an industry term that opens up the world of soluble fiber powders.
As it turns out, what I was actually looking for wasn’t just the ideal soluble fiber, but the best colloidal gum, for people with IBS. I found it almost by chance.
I had stumbled across a research paper outlining the different colloidal gums, their properties, and major suppliers.
The one that really intrigued me was Acacia Senegal.
I cold called a supplier and, not realizing it at the time, ended up talking to the head of North American sales at the oldest and largest Acacia grower and processor in the world. His name was Tom.
He clearly loved his job and company. And he just lit up when I told him I was interested in using the Acacia Senegal all by itself, as a soluble fiber supplement, specifically for people who needed digestive help.
It turned that no one had ever done that before. And for years, he’d been wondering why, because he thought that was a great idea.
He talked to me non stop for an hour about all the special features Acacia Senegal had, and it checked off my entire wish list:
100% soluble fiber
No insoluble fiber
Tasteless, odorless, colorless
Certified organic (Tummy Fiber became the very first organic fiber supplement!)
Zero viscosity - no choking risk, does not thicken
Gluten, allergen, FODMAP free
Prebiotic that increases good gut bacteria
Slows down colonic fermentation to actively decrease gas and bloating
Increases short chain fatty acids in the bowel for healthy flora
Good gastrointestinal tolerance
Add to anything with moisture in it – foods, drinks, in cooking or at the table
It’s inert and impervious to heat, cold, light, and oxygen
You can boil, bake, freeze, and blend it
Plus Tom had an entire Scientific File – which he sent me – that gathered the clinical research studies on Acacia Senegal and documented its features, actions, and benefits.
Honestly, I was so impressed by the facts I was a little worried this was too good to be true. What’s the catch?
There wasn’t one. Acacia Senegal was a genuinely fantastic pure soluble fiber - or, more precisely, colloidal gum. And it was perfect for IBS.
It was a whole food plant fiber that was minimally processed. It wasn’t hydrolyzed or bleached. It wasn’t a manufacturing by-product. It wasn’t synthetic, it was completely natural.
It literally grew on trees – Acacia Senegal trees.
Tom’s family owned company had been growing the orchards in Africa, and processing the raw gum in France, for over a century.
He finished telling me this amazing story and all I could say was, “I’m sold! What’s the smallest order I can place?”
He says, “We ship by the pallet or full container.”
I choked.
And then - to this day I don’t know why - he offered to ship me just two bags for a trial run. It was 100 lbs total, and he gave me net 30 terms so I had a month to pay.
I did quick math in my head and figured, “If I can sell 3 pounds a day that’ll be almost 100 pounds in a month, and I’ll have enough money to pay the bill on time.” I closed my eyes, leapt off a cliff, and placed the order.
It came in two fifty-pound boxes via UPS.
The boxes were dropped off smack in the middle of our residential street because there was no loading dock. There wasn't even a driveway.
Will and I lugged the boxes up three flights of stairs to our one bedroom apartment in the heart of Capitol Hill.
We sold through that first order immediately – in just a few days. Then we tried ordering five bags. Poof, that was gone as well.
So we scraped together every last nickel and dime and ordered our first full pallet - 2,200 lbs. (And I choked again.)
That was gone in a couple of weeks. Everyone was raving about our Tummy Fiber.
Remember, no one had ever heard of Acacia Senegal before, or even pure soluble fiber - because I was the first to bring this fiber to market.
And today?
We order Acacia Senegal by the full truck load. It comes in 1,100 lb super sacs. We normally receive 18 metric tons per shipment. When it arrives at the automated loading dock the 36 pallets are forklifted off into the warehouse of our manufacturing plant.
From one hundred pounds to eighteen metric tons. I still can’t believe it.
Even more incredible, I know there are some folks ordering today who originally tried Tummy Fiber from that very first order twenty years ago. (Hello and thank you!)
This is just the story of how Will and I started Heather’s Tummy Fiber.
There is so much more to tell, including why...
No? Well, of course not.
But sometimes looks really do matter. This was one of those times...
It had bothered me for years that all the products I used to use for my IBS had packaging that was so...what’s the right word...depressing? cold and clinical? fugly?
And sure, everyone knows it isn’t really better to look good than to feel good. It’s what’s inside that counts.
But when I created Tummy Fiber I cared almost as much about the outside of that package as the inside. And here’s why...
I wanted something so beautiful it would make me happy to see it left out on the counter. I wanted warm comforting colors and packaging that looked like it contained something natural, healthy, and pleasant to use.
I put my real story and real picture on that package so people wouldn’t feel all alone.
(A small digression here – about a year ago I got an email from a woman who told me that when she was first diagnosed and really struggling, “there were some nights when it was just me and your little picture on that can.” I get a lot of wonderful emails but this one made me cry.)
So I created a mood board of how IBS makes us feel. Hopeless, scared, anxious, alone. It was filled with dark, dreary, cold, clinical colors and images. It was ugly and depressing.
We designed the Tummy Fiber packaging to give the exact opposite feeling. That mood board was filled with colors that were warm and happy and natural. It had gold metallic sunbursts to catch the light, so people felt safe, comforted, hopeful, and encouraged.
It was crucial to me that Tummy Fiber made someone feel optimistic every time they reached for it.
And this wasn’t just about something pretty to look at. IBS is defined as a brain-gut disorder. Everyone with IBS has experienced that vicious connection.
If seeing my Tummy Fiber made me smile, calmed me down, gave me hope, that positive association would let my brain and gut know this was my safety net.
There would also be no reason to hide this package, and keep it stashed where no one could see it. If I have one mission in life it’s to insist there is no shame in having IBS, or embarrassment in treating it. I’ve fought those feelings for years.
I wanted folks to be comfortable leaving their Tummy Fiber out on the kitchen counter to remind them to cook with it. Or out on the bathroom counter where they’d remember to take it. (And this was also for practical purposes. Tummy Fiber only works when it’s physically in your gut, so it needs to be there 24/7 for true bowel stability).
Then I needed a label that gave a wealth of detailed information, so people understood the directions for use and that this is a process.
There is a wide final dose range for different symptoms, but everyone needs to start at a low dose twice daily and gradually increase. I tried to elegantly cram all of that (and more!) on the label so that people could use their Tummy Fiber properly and get the results they needed.
Finally, I wanted my Tummy Fiber to look like the luxury brand it is. (Or as Will likes to call it, the Cadillac of Fibers.)
Acacia Senegal is truly the highest grade fiber available. It’s a very costly raw material - typically 3-4 times more than any other soluble fibers I tested.
And it’s certified organic. Organic products are always higher quality and more difficult to produce, so they are always more expensive. Acacia Senegal is also inherently available in limited quantities, from just a handful of companies in the world that manage the African orchards. If there’s a bad crop year, they can’t just go into some lab and make more.
My packaging needed to be beautiful to reflect that value and all the happy hopeful qualities. That’s why we now have our gorgeous embossed tin cans. So what if those are usually reserved for fancy presents?
Tummy Fiber is a daily gift you give yourself, your body, your health, your life. It should look and feel like something special because it is.
And not to steal from L’Oreal, but you’re worth it.
Product* | Nancy from UTICA, NY Purchased on 12/16/2024 Reviewed on 1/6/2025 |
Tummy Fiber = Tummy Saver | |
Mixed in with my oatmeal every morning & with water as needed the rest of the day keeps the IBS away! Some gastrointestinal poetry to send a smile your way! | |
Speed of Delivery |
Product* | Carol from Eaton, OH Purchased on 11/14/2024 Reviewed on 12/5/2024 |
I am benefiting from this product every day and thankful for it! It works great for me! | |
I feel the dedication of Heather as well as her knowledge of the need for this product. My sister recommended it to me, and I am happy to follow that recommendation! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Erin from OGLESBY, IL Purchased on 11/9/2024 Reviewed on 11/30/2024 |
Wonderful product! | |
The Tummy fiber is amazing! I take it every day with the confidence that I will not have to worry about having an issue. This product ensures I can live my life & go about my day normally. Thank you Heather! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Hope from CROTON HDSN, NY Purchased on 10/14/2024 Reviewed on 11/4/2024 |
Love your products | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Jennifer from ITASCA, IL Purchased on 10/7/2024 Reviewed on 10/28/2024 |
Love this product! | |
Been using this for a little over 6 months now after my doctor recommended it to me. Had been struggling with constipation for years, and this supplement has been a great help! I don't leave home without it. | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Judith from VIENNA, VA Purchased on 9/14/2024 Reviewed on 10/27/2024 |
Tummy fiber sticks | |
While I like this product a lot, I continue to need to use scissors to open them as many won't open by tearing. Also, they can be hard to dissolve completely at any temperature: I've tried very hot, hot, warm, and room temperature. | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Karen from TRINITY, FL Purchased on 9/4/2024 Reviewed on 9/25/2024 |
Excellent! Wish I had found a year ago! | |
I have had horrible unreliable looseness for a year. My GI just kept saying watch my diet. Use fiber. Nothing helped. My neighbor told me about Heathers and writhing a week it resolved. It has been 2 months now and no longer using depends or having issues! My new GI gave his blessing on the product. I am an APRN and this is amazing! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Kim from MAGNOLIA, NJ Purchased on 6/20/2024 Reviewed on 7/11/2024 |
Great Product! | |
I have been ordering Heather's Tummy Fiber for awhile now. I literally can't live without it. It helps control my IBS and the portable packs are convenient to carry when traveling. | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Alyson from MEMPHIS, TN Purchased on 5/25/2024 Reviewed on 7/7/2024 |
I am taking Heather's Tummy Fiber 2-3x a day; about 7 teaspoon/day with good results. | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Maureen from ERIE, PA Purchased on 6/5/2024 Reviewed on 6/28/2024 |
First Time User | |
I have been using the Tummy Tamer for 2 weeks and am amazed at how much it is helping me. Thank you Heather for your amazing research and products! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Jessica from LAS VEGAS, NV Purchased on 5/26/2024 Reviewed on 6/16/2024 |
My daily staple for healthy digestion! | |
I've been using heathers tummy care for about 8 months now and won't go a day without it. It's definitely helped with my digestion and keeping things moving regularly. I highly recommend! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Janette from KIHEI, HI Purchased on 5/20/2024 Reviewed on 6/10/2024 |
Have not tested product yet. | |||||
Needed the product soon- due to stomach discomfort. Placed order 5/20 & on 6/10 still no sign of package. | |||||
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Bonnie from FINDLAY, OH Purchased on 5/17/2024 Reviewed on 6/7/2024 |
these products are definitely working and my medical provider has read about product and she approved | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Milton from SHERIDAN, WY Purchased on 5/13/2024 Reviewed on 6/4/2024 |
This is a great product and a great company. Thanks for making a difference in my life. | |
Customer Service |
Product* | Therese from ELLICOTT CITY, MD Purchased on 5/3/2024 Reviewed on 5/24/2024 |
I don't know what I would do without this product! Love it! The travel packs are so convenient as well, | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Cynthia from LAS CRUCES, NM Purchased on 5/3/2024 Reviewed on 5/24/2024 |
Hemorrhoid help | |
I had a big hemorrhoid. Prep H wasn't helping. Heather's provided relief in 1-2 days. | |
Speed of Delivery |
Product* | Gail from BRONX, NY Purchased on 5/2/2024 Reviewed on 5/23/2024 |
Great products. | |
Heather's products have been great in helping me manage my IBS symptoms. Thank You! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Joetta from O FALLON, IL Purchased on 5/2/2024 Reviewed on 5/23/2024 |
Best Fiber | |
Acacia Tummy Fiber is the only fiber I can take. It has been my go to product for years, is approved by my gastroenterologist, and keeps my tummy functioning regularly! I can't live without it! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Erin from PITTSBURGH, PA Purchased on 5/2/2024 Reviewed on 5/23/2024 |
I KNOW my GI tract is always safe | |
I always feel safe after taking my daily Tummy Fiber. It doesn't mean I can eat whatever I want. It DOES means that my daily diet game plan has an offensive line running interference for me to prevent attacks. | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Cassie from SPRINGERVILLE, AZ Purchased on 4/28/2024 Reviewed on 5/22/2024 |
Worked so good for me! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Shannon from PHOENIX, AZ Purchased on 12/30/2024 Reviewed on 1/20/2025 |
Life savers!! | |
I found Heathers Tummy Tamers Peppermint oil pills, years ago, after driving to California with my daughter, doubled over in pain as I drove. I stopped at the CVS drug store and looked for something for relief and saw the bottle of Heathers Tummy Tamers. I took one, and within the hour, found tremendous relief. Previously, I suffered for years with abdominal pain, been to the er a couple of times, and just suffered so much trying to work and live life. Since I found these, I have ordered and told numerous people about them, including my gastrointestinal doctor! I no longer suffer the way I did. They have saved my life! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |
Product* | Julio from ORANGE PARK, FL Purchased on 12/28/2024 Reviewed on 1/18/2025 |
The best product for IBS | |
Nausea, upset stomach, etc in GI system this is a sure fix! | |
Speed of Delivery Customer Service |