Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE ~ Heather's Tummy Care


Peppermint Tummy Teabags
CASE (12 cans)
432 jumbo bags
Pain & Spasms
Peppermint Tummy Teabags<br>CASE (12 cans)<BR>432 jumbo bags<br><em>Pain & Spasms</em>

Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE

  (689 reviews) *
Price: $203.69
(15% off $239.64 list price) 
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  • Facts
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  • Quick relief for IBS pain, spasms, urgency
  • Size: 12 cans (36 jumbo tea bags/can, 4.2 oz/can)
  • Ingredient: organic peppermint leaf (Mentha piperita)
  • USDA organic, CRC kosher
  • Naturally caffeine free, gluten free
  • New! Vegan compostable biodegradable plant fiber tea bag mesh!
  • High volatile oil, medicinal strength
  • One teabag brews one strong cup
  • For Immediate Bowel Soothing

Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is a medical food for the dietary management of IBS symptoms. Peppermint is one of the oldest of herbs, with a cooling, calming effect. Clinical studies have shown that it is exceptionally beneficial for IBS abdominal pain and spasms, diarrhea, and urgency. Peppermint will not cause or worsen constipation.

Menthol and methyl salicylate, the main active ingredients of peppermint, have soothing effects on the stomach and intestinal tract. Internally, they have anti-spasmodic actions on the muscles of the stomach, intestinal tract, and uterus. Peppermint also has powerful analgesic (pain-killing) properties. Peppermint is naturally anti-bacterial, it increases gastric juices, and helps relieves gas, nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness. Peppermint contains essential oils that stimulate the gallbladder to secrete its store of bile, which the body uses to digest fats.

Why the word buccal is the secret behind my Peppermint Tummy Tea!

When I was a little kid an IBS attack could hit me out of the blue. I'd have seconds to get to a bathroom before I was unable to move or even breathe from the pain. Then the world would go gray and I would pass out in agony.

I had a favorite childhood fantasy that a doctor would give me magic medicine to stop that pain instantly. I knew exactly where I would keep it in the bathroom cupboard. But in real life, my doctor did not care, and would not help me.

I kept hoping someone else would. But I never did get that magic bullet from my doctor, or any other doctor I ever saw.

However, I did discover something magical for IBS all on my own. And this is why buccal is your word for the day. 

Buccal and sublingual mucosa are what's behind the magic. Let me explain.

You know how the skin inside your mouth is different from the skin on your arms and legs? That's because it's a different kind of tissue, a mucous membrane.

Mucous membranes line the insides of your cheeks (buccal means cheeks) and under your tongue (sub means under, lingual means tongue). 

Just like skin protects the outside of your body, mucous membranes line and protect the inside.

The mucous membranes in your mouth are highly permeable. They absorb things very quickly and directly into your bloodstream in ways that regular skin can't.

Things like nutrients from foods that are absorbed while you're still chewing them.

Things like medications that must work in sixty seconds, like a nitroglycerine pill beneath your tongue for heart problems. 

Or - now comes the magic! – things like volatile oils in medicinal herbs, particularly peppermint. A high volatile oil peppermint tea has compounds that rapidly absorb from the mucous membranes in your mouth directly into your bloodstream. 

And that's magic for IBS. Here's why.

The volatile oils in peppermint are mainly menthol and methyl salicylate. They have several mechanisms of action. 

1. Smooth muscle relaxation 

Your entire gut is smooth muscle tissue.  Calcium and magnesium together regulate gut muscle contractions. Magnesium relaxes, but calcium contracts.

Peppermint blocks the calcium channel, so your gut muscles can relax.

Peppermint also seems to act directly on the entire nervous system of the gut as a whole to relax muscles. That makes it an incredibly powerful anti spasmodic. Plus menthol and methyl salicylate have calming effects on smooth muscles. And they have powerful analgesic - pain-killing – properties. Magic!

2. Visceral sensitivity modulation (via transient receptor potential cation channels)

Plain English please? IBS involves "visceral hypersensitivity". That means you feel things in your gut (viscera) that normal people don't feel at all (your gut is hyper sensitive). And you may feel these normal things as agonizing cramps and pain.

Peppermint seems to literally affect pain sensing neurons in a way that dulls this visceral hypersensitivity. Magic!

So just how powerful is peppermint when it comes to relaxing the gut? For stopping painful spasms in their tracks?  

The concentrated oil from peppermint leaves has actually been used to prevent bowel spasms during colonoscopies and barium enemas. I find that jaw dropping.

Menthol has also been directly observed during surgery to induce smooth muscle relaxation.  Ultrasounds and endoscopies visibly show that peppermint oil decreases colon contractions and spasms.  This means doctors can literally see, in real time, how peppermint calms the gut.  

And that is why high volatile oil peppermint tea is my personal drug of choice. 
It can stop an IBS attack in just moments. 

It's all about those volatile oils, and their rapid absorption via the buccal and sublingual mucous membranes, directly into my bloodstream.
The volatile oils are found in the peppermint leaves. When peppermint is ready to harvest you can literally see the drops of oil rising to the surface of the leaves. If you're ever lucky enough to stand in a whole field of peppermint at harvest time, it shimmers around you like a mirage from the oils on the leaves.

You can steam distill the oil out of the leaves to make concentrated peppermint oil. But that is far too strong to use directly on your mouth's delicate mucous membranes. 

Instead, brew the whole dried leaves themselves using hot water to extract the volatile oils. The end result is not just a nice cup of peppermint tea. It's a steaming mug of IBS painkillers and gut relaxants. Help is literally just a few sips away. Magic!

If you're like me and you get hit hard and fast by IBS pain, urgency, spasms, then high volatile oil peppermint tea is your new best friend. 

When you need help now – and I mean NOW – RIGHT NOW – go straight to peppermint tea. Brew it strong – brew it black – brew it at least 10-15 minutes if you can. The volatile oils in the tea will be rapidly absorbed by the buccal and sublingual mucous membranes in your mouth and hit your bloodstream fast. 

It won't matter if you have a full or empty stomach. It won't matter what time of day or night it is. Just get high volatile oil peppermint tea into your mouth as soon as possible, the moment you feel IBS symptoms coming on. 

Those volatile oils are going to work for you as antispasmodics, smooth muscle relaxants, and painkillers. That peppermint tea can quickly stop violent cramps, spasms, and relax your entire gut. 

I'm embarrassed to say I was late to the party with peppermint. It took me almost twenty years to discover my magic tea. But it turns out peppermint had already been the drug of choice for all kinds of gut problems, for centuries.  

Mint is actually one of the oldest herbs in human history. It was used by the ancient Assyrians and Egyptians four thousand years ago. Ancient Greeks and Romans used fresh mint leaves as a pain killer two thousand years ago. Mint tea has been a favorite cure for indigestion since Biblical times. 

And our modern peppermint (Mentha piperita) is even better than ancient mint herbal strains. It's a hybrid of water mint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint (Mentha spicata). Peppermint has greater medicinal properties than either of the two original plants. Stronger magic! 

I'm not the only one who thinks of peppermint as their IBS drug of choice. It's literally been called that by modern medical researchers as well. In 2005 a review of multiple clinical trials of peppermint oil concluded it was the "drug of first choice in IBS." Just because it's magic doesn't mean it's not real!

High volatile oil peppermint tea is the best thing I've ever found for stopping my IBS attacks in not minutes, but seconds. I actually keep an electric kettle and peppermint tea bags in my bathroom as well as the kitchen. 

For years I would buy little boxes of peppermint teabags at the grocery store and then brew half the box to make one dark cup.  I knew that the stronger that tea was, the faster it would help me. But I didn't realize how much of a difference it would make to have the right peppermint in the first place. I was about to discover I wasn't going to get what I really needed from a tiny teabag in a little box.   

This is why I still remember the exact day my husband Will discovered bulk loose whole leaf peppermint leaves at a health food coop. It was at River Valley Market in Northampton, MA, thirty years ago. (And they now carry Heather's Tummy Care!) 

He went poking around in the cupboards beneath the counter and found the bulk bags of peppermint the store was using. When he asked a clerk if he could just buy a whole bag they couldn't understand why. Who needs a whole pound of peppermint leaves? 

Well, I did. Because I needed to use a generous tablespoon or two of that potent peppermint for each cup. And I needed to drink it all day long when I was feeling touchy. And I wanted to drink it every single day to stay stable in the first place. So that's a lot of peppermint. 

There was a world of difference between that bulk fresh whole leaf peppermint and the dinky little tea bags I'd been using. 

To this day Will can somehow sense when I'm going south. And I can go south fast. He doesn't even ask, he just makes me a black cup of peppermint tea because he knows that will help instantly.

I was never able to find peppermint like this in tea bags, so I had to make my own. That's the story behind my Peppermint Tummy Tea. It's a high volatile oil peppermint, medicinal strength herbal tea that is also naturally caffeine free, FODMAP free, gluten free. 

It's unique. It's formulated to contain the largest possible leaf size and the highest volatile oil content. This equals quality and potency. 

I actually have my own peppermint organically grown locally, in the Columbia River Valley. The volcanic soil makes for the best peppermint in the world.  And this lets me spec for the highest volatile oil content levels from each crop. 

The peppermint is harvested and packed to be as fresh as possible, and it is processed for minimal volatile oil dissipation. Remember, it's the volatile oils in peppermint that make it so effective for the dietary management of IBS symptoms, particularly pain and spasms. 

Heather's Tummy Tea is packed in very generous quantities. How generous? 36 huge teabags per canister!

It's meant to be used daily as a medical food for IBS. Wherever you are, brew a delicious cup of tea several times a day, every day, as part of your dietary management of IBS symptoms. 

I even use my peppermint teabags to stuff the corners and pockets of my luggage when I travel. I make sure there's a tea kettle in my hotel rooms. I ask for hot water to brew my own at restaurants and on planes. I am never without my tummy tea!

My peppermint tea is sourced and specially produced for IBS: 

* Extremely high volatile oil levels. Why does this matter? Because the volatile oil is the component within the tea that yields the medicinal benefits. The higher the volatile oil level, the stronger the cup of tea, and the greater the benefit for IBS symptoms. 

Our peppermint crop can have a volatile oil content of 3%. This is extreme - a percentage of 1.8% to 2.0% is considered high! 

You can actually see the oil rising to the surface of the peppermint leaves in our fields. This is what our farmers watch for so they know when to harvest the fields at the optimum volatile oil level.

When we were out in our fields in the fall right before harvest, the whole expanse of peppermint looked like it was glistening. It was not only beautiful, but the smell and taste of the fresh leaves was more potent than I'd ever imagined. 

* Very large leaf size (cut and sift grade, the largest cut available in the organic market). Other teabag brands use "teabag cut" herbs, which are very finely milled. This is so the tea will flow through teabag machines. But, the more finely you cut an herb, the more volatile oil is released and dissipated, and the weaker the final cup of brewed tea will be.

We actually customized our own teabag machines so that we could run large leaf peppermint through our machines. 

* Special jumbo-size biodegradable teabags, which give an average of two to three times more tea per bag as other brands. 

* USDA certified organic. This means, among other things, that our herbs are guaranteed free of: pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, GMO (genetically modified organisms), preservatives, additives, irradiation, and there is no animal testing. 

Organic materials and processing are significantly more expensive. But, our tea prices are actually significantly less expensive than non-organic brands. 

In addition, a comprehensive review of 97 published studies (published as the "State of Science Review" by The Organic Center) comparing the nutritional quality of organic and conventional foods has shown that organic plants contain higher levels of 8 of 11 nutrients studied, including significantly greater concentrations of the health-promoting polyphenols and antioxidants. This review concluded that organically grown plants are 25% more nutrient dense, on average, than conventionally grown plants. 

* Packed in very generous quantities, as this tea is meant to be used daily for IBS symptoms. 

The end result? Our high volatile oil, medicinal strength, large leaf Peppermint Tummy Tea can stop IBS pain and cramps faster than just about anything.

It is exponentially stronger and more effective, and a better value, than other brands. One sip is all it takes to tell the difference. Try it for yourself!

NOTE: Peppermint is actually such a powerful muscle relaxant that it can trigger GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or heartburn in people who are susceptible. If you are prone to these upper GI problems, avoid mint and stick to Heather's Tummy Tea ~ Organic Fennel for IBS.

  • Pour 8 ounces boiling water over one tea bag. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Drink as often as you like.
  • Use on a full or empty stomach, as needed.
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 tea bag makes 8 fl oz brewed tea
Servings Per Container: 36
  Amount Per Serving % DV
Organic Peppermint Leaf 3.3 grams *
*Daily Value not established.

Cautions: For use under a physician's supervision. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing. Keep out of reach of children. Store airtight in a cool, dry place. Organic product. Color variations are normal.

Relieve IBS Pain, Spasms, Cramps, Urgency
Immediate Bowel Soothing

Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is unique because it is formulated to contain a very large leaf size and a high volatile oil content. Both factors are integral to the quality and potency of peppermint when brewed as tea. Heather's Tummy Tea is harvested and packed to be as fresh as possible, and it is processed for minimal volatile oil dissipation. It is the volatile oils in peppermint that make it so effective for the dietary management of IBS symptoms, particularly pain and spasms.

Heather's Tummy Tea is packed in very generous quantities because it is meant to be used daily as a medical food for IBS. Brew a delicious cup of tea several times a day, every day, as part of your dietary management of IBS symptoms.

Heather's Peppermint Tummy Tea is sourced and specially produced for IBS-specific purposes and results, in several ways:

* Extremely high volatile oil levels. Why does this matter? Because the volatile oil is the component within the tea that yields the medicinal benefits. The higher the volatile oil level, the stronger the cup of tea, and the greater the benefit for IBS symptoms.

Our peppermint crop can have a volatile oil content of 3%. This is extreme - a percentage of 1.8% to 2.0% is considered high!

You can actually see the oil rising to the surface of the peppermint leaves in the field. This is what our farmers watch for so they know when to harvest the fields at the optimum volatile oil level. When we were out in our fields in the fall right before harvest, the whole expanse of peppermint looked like it was glistening. It was not only beautiful, but the smell and taste of the fresh leaves was more potent than ever imagined.

* Very large leaf size (cut and sift grade, the largest cut available in the organic market). Other teabag brands use "teabag cut" herbs, which are very finely milled. This is so the tea will flow through teabag machines. But, the more finely you cut an herb, the more volatile oil is released and dissipated, and the weaker the final cup of brewed tea will be. (We actually customized our own teabag machines so that we could run large leaf peppermint through our machines.)

* Special jumbo-size teabags, which give an average of two to three times more tea per bag as other brands.

* USDA certified organic. This means, among other things, that our herbs are guaranteed free of: pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, GMO (genetically modified organisms), preservatives, additives, irradiation, and there is no animal testing.

Organic materials and processing are significantly more expensive. But, our tea prices are actually significantly less expensive than non-organic brands.

In addition, a comprehensive review of 97 published studies (published as the "State of Science Review" by The Organic Center) comparing the nutritional quality of organic and conventional foods has shown that organic plants contain higher levels of 8 of 11 nutrients studied, including significantly greater concentrations of the health-promoting polyphenols and antioxidants. This review concluded that organically grown plants are 25% more nutrient dense, on average, than conventionally grown plants.

* Packed in very generous quantities, as this tea is meant to be used daily for IBS symptoms. We offer 36 Peppermint Tummy Teabags per canister. This is 3-4 times more teabags per container than other brands, which means you will have enough tea on hand to use it regularly, which is how it works best for IBS.

The end result? Peppermint Tummy Tea is exponentially stronger and more effective, and a better value, than other brands.

Peppermint Tummy Tea is the only brand of medicinal strength peppermint tea for IBS we're aware of, and one sip is all it takes to tell the difference.

Mint is one of the oldest of herbs. It was used by the ancient Assyrians, and was common to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who recognized its pain-killing properties. The mint-after-a meal custom in fact dates back to ancient Rome, and Pliny, the first-century Roman historian and scientist, included mint in his Natural History in 77 A.D. Mint was not used formally in medicine until the mid-18th century, but mint tea has been a favorite cure for indigestion since Biblical times. Modern peppermint is actually a hybrid of water mint and spearmint, and has stronger medicinal properties than either of the two originating plants.

Peppermint tea is extremely useful for IBS cramps and relieving painful abdominal spasms. Peppermint is anti-bacterial, increases gastric juices, and helps relieves gas and nausea. Peppermint also contains essential oils that stimulate the gallbladder to secrete its store of bile, which the body uses to digest fats. This makes Heather's Tummy Tea ~ Organic Peppermint a wonderful digestive aid for heavy meals. It also improves the function of the muscles that line the stomach and intestines, relieves diarrhea (it will not cause or worsen constipation), and has a calming, numbing effect on the entire GI tract.

We personally find peppermint to be the strongest IBS anti-spasmodic and pain reliever of all the Tummy Teas, and really appreciate its noticeable whole-body mild anesthetic effect, particularly when it's brewed very strong.

Brew Heather's Tummy Tea with boiling water, but do not actually boil the teabags or loose tea in water as this can destroy its volatile oils, and thus its effectiveness. Peppermint tea (like all of Heather's Tummy Teas™) is naturally caffeine-free, as it does not contain any actual tea leaves (tea is a specific plant, even though other herbal drinks are commonly called "teas").

Peppermint tea can be sweetened with a little honey or plain sugar if you wish but I also think it's delicious plain. It can be chilled into iced tea, but remember that ice-cold beverages on an empty stomach can trigger GI spasms, whereas the heat in hot teas is in and of itself a muscle relaxant. The stronger the peppermint tea, the more pronounced its beneficial effects on your digestion, so don't be afraid to make a dark brew! Peppermint is classified as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA - there are no limitations on its use as a daily digestive aid.

"What does it mean that Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is certified organic?"
Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is certified organic and therefore uses:

* no pesticides
* no fertilizer
* no herbicides
* no GMO (genetically modified organisms)
* no preservatives
* no additives
* no irradiation
* no animal testing

Organic certification guarantees that our peppermint is harvested with:

* good ecology - enriched soil, less soil erosion
* harvested through farming which respects the environment
* traceability of each batch demonstrated from the fields to the customer
* organic certified farming/harvesting
* organic certified manufacturing and packaging
* USDA organic certified
* organic certified by Quality Assurance International

"Certified organic" refers to agricultural products that have been grown and processed according to strict uniform standards, verified annually by independent state or private organizations. These organizations' certifying seals are your guarantee that Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint has been third-party certified organic.

Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is certified organic right from the fields. After harvest, the peppermint is assigned its organic identification, which follows the peppermint through the entire packing and shipping process. This organic traceability is carried directly through to our customers by our certifying agency, Quality Assurance International. Heather's Tummy Tea Peppermint is also USDA organic certified.
  (689 reviews) *

Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*10531
This product is great for one's digestive system.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*10017
This peppermint tea really works!
I've used this for year to calm my system before dinner or during the day. It works to prevent problems before you have them and calms when I do.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9896
Best natural taste
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9857
I swear that Heather has saved my life!!!
I have been using her products for years now. I drink Peppermint Tea every day, all day long. I use Heather's Tummy Fiber on everything I eat. I'm not cured, never will be, but I have a life now!!
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9438
It really works. In the morning I drink a cup and any discomfort in my lower gut goes away and I can actually perform a normal work day without subconsciously worrying if the pain will come back and limit my activities. the
My IBS symptoms have come late in life after an overzealous dentist overprescribed clindamycin frequently as he tried to work on my teeth. After my 4th hospital stay my GI doctor questioned me about antibiotics and pinpointed the problem. Rather than take meds for this now permanent condition I have chosen to do my own research and found Heather. Everything she says is true and all her products work. It has been 6 months since I have had an attack and I can manage minor discomforts with her regime.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*8473
Very helpful for tummy ache. Would definitely recommend to everyone.
My son (CP) has IBS-C and was going through excruciating tummy spasms for the past year. Have visited ER quite a few times for the sameâ€"no help. But since I started the Heathers peppermint tea, he's doing much better and m very happy to see him pain free and back to his own self. I cant thank Heather enough for this. ðŸ™
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*8255
This tea is so fragrant and full of flavor!
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See all 689 reviews for Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE!

  (689 reviews) *

Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*10531
This product is great for one's digestive system.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*10017
This peppermint tea really works!
I've used this for year to calm my system before dinner or during the day. It works to prevent problems before you have them and calms when I do.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9896
Best natural taste
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9857
I swear that Heather has saved my life!!!
I have been using her products for years now. I drink Peppermint Tea every day, all day long. I use Heather's Tummy Fiber on everything I eat. I'm not cured, never will be, but I have a life now!!
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*9438
It really works. In the morning I drink a cup and any discomfort in my lower gut goes away and I can actually perform a normal work day without subconsciously worrying if the pain will come back and limit my activities. the
My IBS symptoms have come late in life after an overzealous dentist overprescribed clindamycin frequently as he tried to work on my teeth. After my 4th hospital stay my GI doctor questioned me about antibiotics and pinpointed the problem. Rather than take meds for this now permanent condition I have chosen to do my own research and found Heather. Everything she says is true and all her products work. It has been 6 months since I have had an attack and I can manage minor discomforts with her regime.
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*8473
Very helpful for tummy ache. Would definitely recommend to everyone.
My son (CP) has IBS-C and was going through excruciating tummy spasms for the past year. Have visited ER quite a few times for the sameâ€"no help. But since I started the Heathers peppermint tea, he's doing much better and m very happy to see him pain free and back to his own self. I cant thank Heather enough for this. ðŸ™
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Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE
55555 Product*8255
This tea is so fragrant and full of flavor!
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See all 689 reviews for Peppermint Tummy TEABAGS CASE!

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