IBS Coaching with Heather Van Vorous ~ You are not alone ~ Heather's Tummy Care


IBS Coaching
with Heather ~ You are not alone
IBS Coaching <br>with Heather ~ <em>You are not alone</em>

IBS Coaching with Heather Van Vorous ~ You are not alone

Price: $300.00
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If you need help today please schedule private IBS coaching with Heather.

One month of coaching includes two 30 minute phone appointments and unlimited email help for the month.

When you add to cart and complete the checkout you will receive an email to schedule your first phone session.

Who's Heather? My story is here and in the video below.


Watch a live IBS event with Heather below.

Listen to Heather's Apple Podcast: Living with IBS and IBD


I am on the road to IBS normalcy. I even drove to an open house at a University that is over two hours away - something that I would not have dreamed of just six weeks ago. Thank you, Heather! Laura K.

You have changed my life! I now feel more comfortable about eating and am truly enjoying food for the first time in many years. You have been a godsend for a lot of IBS sufferers. P.S. My family thanks you too! Carol L.

I cannot tell you how changed my husband's life with IBS is IN SUCH A SHORT TIME! He is eating and sleeping and enjoying life again. Many, many thanks (I can't seem to say that enough). Maribeth S.T.

Dear Heather, I have just recently found out that I too have been suffering from IBS. For years now I thought that what was happening to me was just in my mind, but when the pain of the stomach cramps and nausea just became unbearable I decided to go to the doctor, and found out the I had IBS, I never even heard of it before. And was thinking that I would have to just give up everything "yummy" in my life. but thanks to you and your book I now know I'm not alone and that there is something out there to help me. Thank you for doing this you have given me the chance to lead a normal healthy life! Sincerely, Anneke Wilson

I can't thank you enough for the information. I was suffering so much from the pain of IBS that I could hardly drag myself around. Your diet has helped so much! It is marvelous to be without pain and to be able to enjoy life again. Doctors should read your book and then they would be able to help people with this debilitating condition. Sincere thanks, Dianne, IBS Sufferer

Dear Heather, I am a 45 year old woman who has suffered with IBS all of my life. I took all your information and made drastic changes in my diet and habits. It's been 2 weeks now, and for the VERY first time, I am feeling good. Feeling good. That is an amazing feeling. I have always thought most people took it for granted. I wanted to thank you. Your information has changed my life, and I do not say that lightly. THANK YOU!!! Barbara S. Saeger

Thank you so much for the very valuable information. I appreciate it more than words can express. You are doing so much to help so many people, and I would like to personally thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Christine Hanson

Dear Heather, We just found out that our son has IBS. He is very scared and upset. He is ten years old. Unknown to my husband and me his problem has gone on for a couple of years. He did not want to tell us. We feel like the worst parents in the world. Our doctor suggested your web site and book. Thank you so much for your help. Now my son knows he is not alone. Thanks again. Stacy and Robert Wright, parents of IBS Sufferer

Thank you for this information. It has helped me far more than any doctor has. I have been using this guide for some time now, and I am like a new person, back to feeling like me. Your suggestions have become main stays in my eating habits. -Pat Schultz


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